negative control speakers even better.
Negative feedback cannot be used to control speakers. It can only be used to control amplifiers. The idea that it helps with speaker control is part of the myth of damping factor, a subject that has its own thread on this forum right now.
This myth has heavy subscription by the Voltage Paradigm camp- see the link I provided in my second post to this thread. It is true that higher speeds in the amplifier will reduce odd-ordered harmonic generation when feedback is applied, and it is also true that the amount of this is variable from amplifier to amplifier, and does account for some of the differences that we hear.
Most OTL manufacturers use feedback. I think that we are one of the very few that do not. It is true that this limits the speakers that work with our amps, but it is not a matter of speaker control- usually its a matter of tonal issues related to incorrect voltage response for that speaker. Our philosophy is that if the speaker requires feedback for the amp to work with the speaker, there will be no way that speaker will ever sound like real music as the amplification will be inherently incapable of the task. It might sound like a good hifi, but that is not our goal.
There is no question that this philosophy has been a major marketing problem for the company, and it has contributed to the idea that OTLs are load sensitive (again, see the link I provided earlier). But if you want it to sound real that's what you have to do as its all about human perceptual rules. In the end, this means that there are dozens of speakers that work with our amps rather than hundreds.