Ayre vs Primare

I'm still looking for a new integrated amp. I currently have an Exposure 2010S2 driving Spendor A6's with a Sony 5400ES SACD player as my source. I have moved my system from a large living room downstairs to a smaller room upstairs so there is no longer a need for a high powered amp. My two candidates are the Ayre AX-7e and the Primare I30. Deep controlled bass and extended highs, while nice to have, are not as important to me as a natural, transparent musical presentation. Another reason these two amps are on my short list is because they have balanced inputs. Also, as a long shot I might add the NAD M3 to my list. I've searched the net, but can't find a direct comparison between the Ayre and the Primare.
Let us know what you end up with and your impressions. I think Ayre gear can't be faulted - sins of omission - sometimes a little light on the bottom, but always a pleasure to listen to.
Imo Ayer is on a much higher plane than Primare.
The only time I have seen Primare was at Magnolia Hi-Fi and was not impressed. (Is it their house brand?). I think Primare in design in Sweden but manuf.in China or somewhere.I don't know if there is a Primare company, the stuff is just made in china with a name and a story and then marketed at a big box. The store workers have a memorized story they tell about how Primare is design by the famous audio guru Bo Christenson(someone)(could be Bo Diddle or Bo Jackson for all I know). I don't think the stuff is worth a second look imo. Anyone here know Bo?
The Ayre might be somewhat better overall than your current Exposure, but it's not a significant difference, IMO. If I were you I'd stay with the Exposure.

6550c, why even bother posting anything if you don't know anything?
Have to disagree with a couple of the posters above, the Primare I30 and its predecessor the A.30.1 , offer higher resolution and a much more muscular sound than the 2010. Class A preamp section, dual mono power section, fully balanced design. It's a step up on the criteria you listed. Haven't heard the Ayre, but depending on your speakers, I should imagine it will trade big hits with the Primare, being a fully discrete, zero-feedback design, but with less rated power and higher cost, of course.