Ayre vs Primare

I'm still looking for a new integrated amp. I currently have an Exposure 2010S2 driving Spendor A6's with a Sony 5400ES SACD player as my source. I have moved my system from a large living room downstairs to a smaller room upstairs so there is no longer a need for a high powered amp. My two candidates are the Ayre AX-7e and the Primare I30. Deep controlled bass and extended highs, while nice to have, are not as important to me as a natural, transparent musical presentation. Another reason these two amps are on my short list is because they have balanced inputs. Also, as a long shot I might add the NAD M3 to my list. I've searched the net, but can't find a direct comparison between the Ayre and the Primare.
6550c, you obviously know more than what your post(s) would lead one to believe. Exactly what you do know is still a mystery.
Aside from any personal taste in audio presentation I wouldn't purchase any high dollar product that's manufactured abroad for reasons of actual manufacture serviceability. My only caveat would be if that product were clearly superior in performance or so economical that its repair and shipping cost are close to its replacement cost.

I own an Ayre product which has been upgraded twice with significantly audible improvement each time. In each case the work was completed and returned sooner than estimated and in one case a questionable part was replaced for free.

There are many accounts of satisfaction with Ayre support, sensible product pricing, resale value, and true innovation.

In the end system synergy and your personal taste should be the deciding factor.
Did you ever tried the Bladelius Thor Mk2? The designer Mike bladelius has already a long history in high-end. He designed for Treshold, Pass and primare but finally started his own brand. This amplifier has so much power and resolution that it is hard to beat in this price range. There is also a new model Mk3 with optional a build in (usb)DAC and phono. Talking about innovation Mike Bladelius is at the forefront.
Hwy: I haven't laughed this hard in a long time.....
Thank you so much....my hole life!!!