Ayre vs Primare

I'm still looking for a new integrated amp. I currently have an Exposure 2010S2 driving Spendor A6's with a Sony 5400ES SACD player as my source. I have moved my system from a large living room downstairs to a smaller room upstairs so there is no longer a need for a high powered amp. My two candidates are the Ayre AX-7e and the Primare I30. Deep controlled bass and extended highs, while nice to have, are not as important to me as a natural, transparent musical presentation. Another reason these two amps are on my short list is because they have balanced inputs. Also, as a long shot I might add the NAD M3 to my list. I've searched the net, but can't find a direct comparison between the Ayre and the Primare.
I really do appreciate all the feedback from everyone. Mu6, I checked the price on a Bladelius Thor Mk2 and at five grand, its a bit over my budget. The Primare products are not a house brand as one of the other posters claimed. The British publication Hi Fi News has included the I30 in its integrated amp shootout and it won (also did a pre-power shootout and the Primare separates won there too). But I cannot miss the passion with which Ayre owners talk about their equipment, in this thread and in other threads on AudiogoN. So the AX-7e will be my new amp. I'm going to look for a used one in very good condition, but if I haven't found one by Christmas, I'll buy a new one. If anyone knows a reseller in the US that might give a small discount to a poor audiophile like myself, please shoot me an e-mail.
Ayre definitely!
For spendors, the Luxman integrated amps are very good options as well!! as a matter of fact, the dealer of Spendors in Hong Kong uses Luxman gears on their speakers.
(I know this is an old threat but ...)

Ayre costs more and is class A (Primare is class A/B) and therefore should sound better. Looks is a matter of opinion. I personally like Primare’s elegant look much better.