McIntosh MC402 - Best tube preamp?

I'm in process of upgrading my main system. Looking for opinions on a good used tube preamp based upon these more primary components.

-McIntosh MC402 [used unit soon to be acquired]
-Yamaha CX1000U preamp [now ganged w/ Yamaha MX1000U amp]
-Art Audio Vinyl One phono preamp
-SOTA Nova - lastest version table incl. the SOTA clamp
-Origin Live - Illustrious tone arm
-Shelter 90x cart
-PS Audio P500 Power Regenerator
-Music Hall Maverick SACD [upgraded version]
-Cables are all higher end with AudioQuest Cobra being the lowest grade
-Two sets of vintage McIntosh XR7 loudspeakers with the McIntosh MQ107 Environmental Equalizer [will be looking to upgrade from these when I can although they are all mechanically mint and sound terrific] and one pair of JBL L65 Jubals
-Dedicated 20amp home receptacle

-I am particular to vinyl
-I have tastes in more refined blues, quality rock, jazz

My quess is that one of the Mac tube preamps would be best but I'm trying to keep my cost for a quality used unit in the $2500-$3000 range.

Suggestions? Thanks.
I have the C2300 402 McIntosh with my Maggies it got me off the merry go round.
Thx to all for your responses. I've been reading the details on all of your recommendations.

My budget max. is $3000 and I would like to purchase a preused unit. Most of your suggestions require more cash than what I want to invest at this time.

I'm stretching for the MC402 and want the best tube amp I can get for my budget. Is $3k not going to get me there?
You can get a used McIntosh C2200 pre for $3K which is the predecessor to the C2300, many prefer the sound of the C2200 over the C2300. There is one in 9/10 condition out there right now for $3150obo, it will pair up superbly with the MC402 so take a look before somebody else grabs it!
I have the McIntosh C220 and really like it. It doesn't have all the features as the 2200 or the 2300 but it's a very fine preamp. You can find them used for around $2200-2300.