Mr T.
That's fine I think you need to state the question as might your speakers sound tube like with a ss amp. Nothing else really matters if that is what you seek.
I personally think it is possible with some SS amps, maybe even the better Class Ds. You might want to through some tube gear up front in the pre-amp or source in order to keep things leaning more towards the pure tube sound, but I'd be willing to bet you can do it with a SS pre-amp and maybe no tubes at all.
I would not hesitate to suggest trying the Carver m4.0t that I used with mg1cs for years with no real tubes. A used one would only cost a few hundred. Or maybe even a m1.0T which is the amp that was voiced to sound like the CJ reference amp. My only reservation with this combo was that a sub was needed for the low end to be competitive with truly top notch systems in that regard.
That's fine I think you need to state the question as might your speakers sound tube like with a ss amp. Nothing else really matters if that is what you seek.
I personally think it is possible with some SS amps, maybe even the better Class Ds. You might want to through some tube gear up front in the pre-amp or source in order to keep things leaning more towards the pure tube sound, but I'd be willing to bet you can do it with a SS pre-amp and maybe no tubes at all.
I would not hesitate to suggest trying the Carver m4.0t that I used with mg1cs for years with no real tubes. A used one would only cost a few hundred. Or maybe even a m1.0T which is the amp that was voiced to sound like the CJ reference amp. My only reservation with this combo was that a sub was needed for the low end to be competitive with truly top notch systems in that regard.