I suspect, but don't know that the differences between current source and voltage source amps....and the speakers they go BEST with would preclude a single system with 'plug in the amp' testing possible....at the highest level.
As near as I understand it.....Carver nulled the amps by somehow comparing thru a single speaker. When the speaker made NO sound....or some large value 'down', they amps were producing the SAME sound. The louder the speaker, the greater the difference between amps. This is the source of the 't-mod' which was part of my now ancient Carver Cube, the M-400t.
I don't remember the exact numbers, but just for example, when the speaker being used was say......nulled to -60db, you could say they were the 'same' to 1 part in 10,000 or some such.
ONE possible flaw in this ointment is that of the speaker used. If it was a highly reactive load, the tube amp would not be at its 'best' while a speaker of the single driver/full range persuasion may put the SS at a disadvantage. I doubt there is an 'easy' or even 'best' answer here.
Buy / run / listen to, whatever floats your boat. Play safe, eat slowly and chew well. don't stay out late and respect your elders.
As near as I understand it.....Carver nulled the amps by somehow comparing thru a single speaker. When the speaker made NO sound....or some large value 'down', they amps were producing the SAME sound. The louder the speaker, the greater the difference between amps. This is the source of the 't-mod' which was part of my now ancient Carver Cube, the M-400t.
I don't remember the exact numbers, but just for example, when the speaker being used was say......nulled to -60db, you could say they were the 'same' to 1 part in 10,000 or some such.
ONE possible flaw in this ointment is that of the speaker used. If it was a highly reactive load, the tube amp would not be at its 'best' while a speaker of the single driver/full range persuasion may put the SS at a disadvantage. I doubt there is an 'easy' or even 'best' answer here.
Buy / run / listen to, whatever floats your boat. Play safe, eat slowly and chew well. don't stay out late and respect your elders.