Modwright LS 36.5 or BAT VK-51SE

I've got it narrowed down to these two preamps. Any thoughts?
If you have it narrowed to 2, get both, return or resell the one you don't like.

Some sellers maybe even willing to let you try for a week with the option to return. Of course, you cannot lowball someone and then ask them to do this for you, but it is reasonable to ask, if you are buying at their asking price.
both are first rate items from first rate folks.

I'd guess the issue here revolves around what sort of sound you are shooting for and which features best suit your needs.... if both are on par with one another pricewise.

I can tell you this:

Dan Wright has always been there for me anytime I had a question or needed help. He stands behind his products and is great to deal with. I think service is always something to consider anytime you make a big purchase. Not trying to take anything away from BAT ... just sharing my good luck with Modwright.

Good luck,