Dan D'Agostino is back with a new line

Dan D'Agostino (ex-Krell) is back with a new line of products sold under Dan D'Agostino Inc name.

His first product is a cool looking Momentum Monoblock Amplifier. Preamp to follow.

Made in the USA.
I believe that was one of the big reasons for the change in management.
I remember Dan when he was an audio salesman in Niagara Falls NY-Transcendental Sound.

Too bad so many are set against giving the man credit for staying in the game.

I hope this is just the tip of the ice berg, and hasn't anyone heard of trickle down tech?

I am sure he will make gear for the less fortunate vociferous crowd,you know the folks who are against anything that costs more than what they can ever afford.

I hope all those who are discontented with Dan's new efforts and the high end in general, sleep well tonite.
Perhaps they'll end up like Dan did, outsourced and have their job,lif'e work taken away from them.

I know Ralph Karsten knows what that feels like.
Having been, untill 5 months ago and only because I wanted tubes, a long time krell owner, with 8 differant krell amps and 3 or 4 krell pre, ending with the krell evo202 and evo600's. I for one am looking forward to seeing his latest designs. I believe he deserves the best of luck and my/our well wishes. It always amazes me how some knock things they have no real experiance with. They just believe false/inacurate/missleading/missrepresentations/lying/dumb "sound bites" they hear!
I know a lot about what happened at Krell and how some of their most dedicated employees were treated. I think Dan is a great designer and engineer but he did some bad things to people that really loved him.