Dan D'Agostino is back with a new line

Dan D'Agostino (ex-Krell) is back with a new line of products sold under Dan D'Agostino Inc name.

His first product is a cool looking Momentum Monoblock Amplifier. Preamp to follow.

Having been, untill 5 months ago and only because I wanted tubes, a long time krell owner, with 8 differant krell amps and 3 or 4 krell pre, ending with the krell evo202 and evo600's. I for one am looking forward to seeing his latest designs. I believe he deserves the best of luck and my/our well wishes. It always amazes me how some knock things they have no real experiance with. They just believe false/inacurate/missleading/missrepresentations/lying/dumb "sound bites" they hear!
I know a lot about what happened at Krell and how some of their most dedicated employees were treated. I think Dan is a great designer and engineer but he did some bad things to people that really loved him.
I'm not sure what the P/E firm bought, whatever they now own isn't Krell anymore is it? Krell is whatever Dan was designing and brining to market, without him it seems whatever is left is a shell moving forward - I can't imagine buying a Pass Labs amp not designed by Nelson Pass and thinking it is a Pass amp. Something nasty must have been going for the investors to push out their most valuable asset.