best position of components in relation to spkers?

According to Jim Smith's book, "Get Better Sound," one of mantras he repeats over and over is the negative sonic effects of having your electronics positioned in between your speakers. At present my Fisher 500c and CDP are on a rack positioned between and somewhat behind (perhaps a foot or two) my actual speakers (Vandersteen 2ce's). I tweaked my system ad nauseum and the position of the speakers in relation to the room, etc. has resulted in what I consider quite satisfying sound. However, according to Jim, even with much cheaper speaker cable at longer runs, if I were to place my component rack on a side wall my overall system sound would improve significantly. Anyone tried this? Thanks for any insights!
Thank you to all for the quick and insightful responses! I've got a full size couch facing the speakers and a love seat on the lefthand wall. And the righthand wall has storage shelves and a toy chest. It's a bit congested. : ) So I am very tempted to try sidewall positioning, but that probably means just getting rid of something else all together. Another thought I had was simply removing the rack - BTW my components sit on top of it, not inside of it. Anyway, would it make sense to simply place my gear on the floor to reduce reflections and electronic interference w/ the drivers? May still not be ideal, but perhaps an improvement? And suggestions for a surface for gear? My floor is carpeted. Thanks again for shared wisdom!
This surprises me because there's less sound behind the speakers - Assuming no Bipoles or Dipoles, and assuming the speakers are in front of the rack and away from it by a couple of feet.
Putting the rack where the music is directed just seems backwards to me.
I'm gonna try it tonight.
I gave up running AQ Sky XLRs from the Pre to the Power amp just to be able to move the rack and sources our from between the speakers. It took a day to disconnect, move, position, and reconnect the system. Routing the cables and moving the cable lifters was another hour or so. At the end of the switch, all I can say is why the hell didn't I do this YEARS ago? I will go on step further than Jim Smith and say that not only does getting the rack out of the middle of the speakers outweigh the "longer" wire issue, it actually outweighs a substantial downgrade in IC quality. I went from AQ Sky XLRs in the the entire chain to SKY from the sources to the pre and an ancient AQ+ 16 foot run of XLR cable that is not even labeled. It looks a whole lot like mic cable in fact!
More of everything that I like and less of everything I don't was the result in my system.
Well, at this point I'm persuaded to experiment myself and see if a side wall placement of components really does make a difference. To Sebrof, please let me know how it worked out in your case please!

And one other request to you all.... can anyone recommend an affordable biwire cable? My Vandy's require biwiring, and I figure I'll need at least 15 feet of cable (which is longer than my current set). I would like to spend under $200 just in case this experiment is less than a success.
Thanks again for your thoughts!
I recently moved my rack to a side wall keeping my power amp in the same location between the speakers.Wasnt sure if the downgrade of the IC to the amp and a 10 foot run would effect it.Everything is much better even with the cheaper and longer run of cable