OK, I did it (I said I would a couple of days ago).
Actually, it's bad timing for me to do this since I just got new speakers a couple of weeks ago, and I got GIK products yesterday. But I did listen for 3 or 4 hours yesterday with the same setup to get a baseline, then moved the rack today.
My rack is an open rack, and also pretty low (3').
I moved the rack to a side wall towards the back of the room.
I believe it helped. It seems that there is a more cohesive soundstage, music sounds a little smoother. It wasn't earth shattering, but I'm glad I did it. It's hard to move things back and listen and compare (I'm not going to do that), so take my experience for what it's worth. I will say that if you have a rack with sides and/or your rack is high, then you should move it.
Actually, it's bad timing for me to do this since I just got new speakers a couple of weeks ago, and I got GIK products yesterday. But I did listen for 3 or 4 hours yesterday with the same setup to get a baseline, then moved the rack today.
My rack is an open rack, and also pretty low (3').
I moved the rack to a side wall towards the back of the room.
I believe it helped. It seems that there is a more cohesive soundstage, music sounds a little smoother. It wasn't earth shattering, but I'm glad I did it. It's hard to move things back and listen and compare (I'm not going to do that), so take my experience for what it's worth. I will say that if you have a rack with sides and/or your rack is high, then you should move it.