Threshold Stasis 2...Worth a rebuild???

I have a Threshold Stasis 2 in wonderful cosmetic condition, but one channel went flooey. I contacted Jon Sondenberg and he will do a rebuild/upgrade for a little north of 1300 bux.
Jon said that the rebuild/upgrade would put the amp in the sonic category of a Pass Labs 250.

My question is, do you think it is worth sinking that kind of dough into an amp that old?

Thanks in advance to all for your wise opinions.
I owned a Stasis 2. Looking back after what I paid for the power amp used and the rebuild cost, I could have bought a much newer better sounding Pass labs power amp.
Nelson Pass recommends Jon for Threshold work in regards to service, maintenance and modifications. To mee that says it all in a nutshell. No larger recommendation that this one - Period.
The Stasis II is great sounding reliable amp. By now, all the electrolytic caps, which aren't many, need to be replaced. Most likely, one had gone totally bad on the affected channels driver board and needs to be replaced.

I recapped, my Stasis II a number of years back in an afternoon with BlackGate Standards which are no longer available, but I understand that Jon has some for his rebuild customers. There are some other great caps available such a Nichicon KZ. I also replaced and significantly upgraded the four large aluminum-can power-supply filter-caps with modern version with the same physical size as the old, but of a higher capacity and higher voltage rating. I bought them from Mouser or Newark, I just can't remember exactly where now, but it take a little research.

Bottom line, the Stasis II is worth rebuilding or at least repairing. If you are use to listen to the Stasis II with old caps, you will be totally amazed at how great it will sound once it has been re-capped. It will truly be a new amp like you have never heard. If you send it to Jon, he will do other things beside replacing caps that will take it a notch better including tweaking the bias to make it perfect. Jon knows that amp better that anyone.

Do a search on the Threshold Stasis II at Lots of information on this amp is found there.
I just got my Stasis 2 back from Jon. He was great to deal with. It was well worth it the charge in my opinion. Yes the amp is 30 years old. But with almost everything inside replaced I now have 200W Class A power for under 1500. A great value if you ask me.
