Spectral Preamps better than Accuphase Preamps?

I am down to two choices to purchase a Preamp. Spectral or
Accuphase. I need opinions since their is no dealers in my area to listen to these pieces for comparison. A friend of my had a Spectral DMC-10 I believe was Demian Martins last design before Johnson took over. Very tube like sound. Smooth, laid back and warm. Very rich sound. I read that Accuphase has such a warm, smooth rich character which I prefer, but the Spectrals are faster. Do the current Spectral Pre's retain the character of the pieces designed
by Martin years ago, or are the current designs by Johnson
over kill in detail but lacking their classic smooth character?
Classicjazz. I need to correct myself regarding Larry's business name and his opinion on Vitus. He is at the High End Palace and not High End Heaven. Too many High End sites
on the brain!!
I am currently using the Vitus SL-101 and i agree with Larry Diaz... it is a warm , smooth , rich sounding pre with great resolution.......
Spectral are detailed, fast, dynamic electronics
Accuphase is fuller, warmer, organic, type of electronics.