Grant Fidelity B-283 Tube Buffer: Worthwhile or No

Does putting a tube buffer into a solid state system actually improve the output, or is it all just hyped up the emporer has no clothes syndrome?

There's a Grant Fidelity B-283 tube buffer for sale here and I'm thinking about it. I have an Adcom GFA 535 amp, a Morrison pre amp and an Arcam CD75 CD player.


> What's an inexpensive tube preamp of fairly
> good quality?

What's the budget?
There are two versions of the B-283, one for mid-fi or vintage systems and the MKII for higher end systems, they are designed to add a taste of tubes to a SS source player, many thousands of happy customers have found other uses for them as well. The main thing they seem to do is convert SS types to tube :)

Team 212, whoever you are, never heard of you, but you sound like typical sore loser competiton to me, we don't have a CD player with flashing blue lights and not sure which big ShengYa's you are referring to or where or even if you ever heard them, but the big flagship ShengYa's have been reviewed by Dagogo's reviewer that only does big power and expensive amps as being as good and better as anything out there at any price.

Maybe the VR7's don't match with them or maybe they aren't good enough for the ShengYa amps which will reveal their weaknesses if any.

Again those that have heard my version of the LS3/5A beside the originals generally wonder what they were thinking with the fake bass hump, but maybe you like fake bass. Even those that are making current versions who have them are quite impressed.

Ian Grant.
Sorry,But I stick by my call the Big Black Sheng Ya Mono Block Amps I heard at Gary Lea's House in Las Vegas--using the Von S's were
frankly awful.

So put that in ya pipe and smoke it.

Like I stated Caveat Emperor

I've been using a Grant Fidelity B-283 MK 2 for about nine months now. It has taken the edge off of digital and I do believe extended the dynamic range of my system. It makes my ears happy.

I use a GF TubeDAC-09 as preamp with an Adcom 545 amp and it noticeably smooths out frequency response. Not the best but it improves sound. And that's what I wanted.