Plugging Amp into Power Conditioner???

I read from a manufacturer that plugging amp into power conditioner can decrease pure power from amp... is this true???
My experiece is plugging direct with a amp to outlet sounds better then going through any line conditioner.
Amp through LC can sometimes sound like a blanket is over your speakers. ( so to speak )
Dedicated lines are a real plus to start with. If you can't do that start with audio grade out lets, you will hear a improvement.
It depends on the amp and how much instantaneous current it can draw from your outlet. Some amps need a lot of current while others, perhaps switching amps, need less. I didn't notice any difference when my Bel Canto M300s were plugged into my surge protector. And, some amps, like mine, are very sensitive to power surges and I sleep better knowing they are safe. Its up to you and you can try it both ways.
I am not running anything crazy.... Emotiva amps... but from what I was told the engineer says to not connect through LC.... I have a dedicated Circuit...