Extraordinary recordings on vinyl

You've most likely heard or read of MF's +10 (on his 1-10) scale of rating music, both sonically and for content...

What are your favorite recordings (on vinyl) that tip the scale over 10?

Here's my first one... Steve Phillips "Steel-Rail Blues"

This lp is pure as the driven snow, not an unpure note to be found.
Slaw you mentioned a Frazey ford album. I heard her on CBC, loved it and had to buy a few of her albums. Got one and the sonics were absolutely horrible, unlistenable. Wonder if it's the same label as yours?
Yeah I'm bowing out to,Slaw you need counseling. I own the 2.5 et with a stock and wisa pump run in tandem into a homemade surge tank to answer your question. As I stated I have moved on and use a Graham Engineering Phantom 2 Supreme tone arm. I do not have to feel I need to provide pictures nor do I feel that I have to defend what I feel are better than average recordings.
I wish you peace. Please do not drag me into anymore discussions I respected your opinion I'm sorry you couldn't just live with mine.
I appreciate the thoughtful and "direct" responses above! I accept them for their true, intended purpose and I feel they are valid and, as I said, thoughtful.

Credit where credit is due... Whart, I purchased the Trixie Whitely "I'd Rather Go Blind" 10" vinyl. For one song, this may be the most expensive lp I own. However, to me, it's worth it. Thanks again for the recommendation.

I apologize that I seem to have ruined this thread.
To Qdrone: I can't for the life of me conceive of anyone "dragging" me into a discussion without my actual act of responding! Does your post above actually mean that, someone you don't know, someone you obviously don't agree with on these matters, someone who, differs, greatly from your posts,... somehow has control of any further response you make or may make?

If there's one thing I know, it's that I'm responsible for any post I make. I'll never, ever try to make another's post, an excuse for a response that (I didn't want to make)!

As Frogman says, "Man Up"!
slaw, im going to look for the s/t in the dead wax of BlackDub, is that how i know i have a first press. ive enjoyed it whichever press it is. whart, thanks for the heads up on that 10inch.