Pass Labs Amp X350.5 or X350.8 anyone compare?

I have searched for some opinions as to the sound quality comparison between the older Pass Labs X350.5 which I own and the newer X350.8.
It looks like the .8 does not operate as much in class A as the .5. But, that doesn't tell the story.
Anyone have a chance to listen to the newer X350.8? And if possible how does it compare to the X350.5?
Ozzy, I'm breaking in XA-160.8 monoblocks. Suggest at least 40-50 hours of time with music before forming critical judgment.
That's cool, Ozzy. Is there anything you like about it so far, or is it too early to tell?
I used to own Pass and Eggleston Rosas. Pass and Eggleston are a great combination. I found the more power I had with my Egglestons, the better they sounded.

My buddy Madfloyd just upgraded from the XA160.5 to the XA160.8. I heard both in his system two times. The .8 had much better control of the Alexia's bass and the overall sound was more transparent. I think the .8 also has lower noise so more information came through. I really liked the .8.
Dave 72, First impression. Pretty good...
Deeper soundstage, better bass and treble. Even at this early stage, I'm sure its a keeper.