Pass Labs Amp X350.5 or X350.8 anyone compare?

I have searched for some opinions as to the sound quality comparison between the older Pass Labs X350.5 which I own and the newer X350.8.
It looks like the .8 does not operate as much in class A as the .5. But, that doesn't tell the story.
Anyone have a chance to listen to the newer X350.8? And if possible how does it compare to the X350.5?
This was my experience as well. The large PS caps need more time to form. Keep your chin up for at least 40-50 hours of signal.
Just an update on the X350.8. I have about 70 hours of actual playing time and it has been plugged/turned on for many days 24/7. I'm really not sure how many hours it will take to reach optimum, but to me it seems like it is there.

The Amp is much different than the X350.5. The soundstage is much deeper with a darker (more Analog?) presentation.
Has anyone else purchased the new .8 series Amps? understanding is that the .8 amps are supposed to have *more* life in the upper frequencies. Anyway, keep up the good work Ozzy!
Ozzy, I did not hear the .8 as darker, but there was definitely more control of the
lower freq. and extension. That may be changing your perception of tonal
balance. The Egglestons need lots of power so it should sound more dynamic
with a cleaner more articulate base and more detail because of the lower noise
floor. But I compared the XA160.5 to the XA160.8 and am not really familiar
with the X series. They should be fully broken in by now.