Is it ok to Bi-amp using different Brand/model of

amps or is it best to use the identical model for muliti-amping? I like to add another SS stereo amp, to get more snap, quickness, detail, and more power to the sound.

Currently I’m horizontally bi-amping my Hales Concept 5 speakers, which are a 3-way, with a pair of BAT VK-60s. One amp is driving the mid-tweeter (passive XO still being used here) section of the main speakers and the second VK-60 amp is directly powering the woofers. A Marchand active XO has the woofers set between 80-550Hz. A pair of self-powered sub-woofers handles below 80 hz.

The VK-60s can easily become monoblocs. As monoblocs, each amp will drive each speaker’s mid-tweeter section and a third amp, stereo, used to power the woofers.

On the BAT website, specifications for solid-state & tube amps such as; input sensitivity, frequency response, THD.... are all different. Will these differences in specs harm the sound if I were to join SS & valve amps together in the same system? Will timing and coherency be affected? Thank you for your inputs.
Hi Ngjockey,

In my set-up the stock Marchand attenuators allows "set and forget".

Do have a preference as to class of power in amps, (i.e. Class A, AB, D, .....) when pairing up with tube amps?


Hi Rrog,

In my case, vertical bi-amping would mean two more monoblocs to achieve my goal. I may end up that way, but for now I like to stick with a stereo amp to lessen the number of chassis in the room. Thanks.


Hi Stewie,

Having a volume control on the amps would work for setting the correct loudness to the drivers. However, with an active XO, you minimize the IM distortion. IMO, that makes a prfound difference to the sound. Thanks.


Hi Norm,

I've not tried active crossovers, so you may be right. My speaks are Von Schweikert vr4 gen iiis (with separate posts for bass and mids/tweets) and Albert himself suggested to me that that crossovers in the speakers were all that's needed. I've never been clear on why bi-amping suddenly requires active crossovers; it's not as if, say, the bass drivers know that they're being bi-amped, right? Or maybe they do.
Hi Stewie,

Here is a site that can answer your questions much better than I can.

