Best value amplifier under or near $6K

Does anyone have some thoughts on what they consider to be the best amplifier under or near $6K? It could be an integrated amp, power amp, mono blocks, solid state or tubes.

It/they would be used to power Wilson Sophia’s or similar.

Just FYI my current amps are the
• Rotel RMB 1075 (5 channel power amp 120W per Channel into 8 ohms)
• Acoustic reality (IcePower optimized) 1001-REF mono-blocks (500W per Channel into 8 ohms)

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I would take a serious look at a used Asthetix Atlas amp, it is hybrid with tubes and SS technology. New it is $8k.
If I was spending that kind of money on amps, my audition list would be: Arion Audio RS 500, Odyssey Audio Stratos Mono Extremes (full upgrade), Butler Audio TDB 2250, Moscode 402Au (now on sale). I've heard various versions of all these amps, and they are all excellent, IMHO.
In the solid state realm I saw on Audiogon a Clayon 200 watt amp at $4,700. That is a gre3at deal for an outstanding amp. Or a used McCormack DNA-500. In third place a Modwright KWA-150.

As far as tubes are concerned, if you have a high effriciency speaker the Coinjcident Technology Frankensteins at 8 watts are a truly great amp. Best low powered amp I have aver heard---and by a good margin. At 70 watts, the Coincident Technology Dragons are outstanding. For more power, the Rogue M-180's are very good and priced right. Dehavilland also makes some nice models.