what amp will match well with Tyler acoustics

What amp will match well with Tyler acoustics Woodmers?
Well,Im using,with great sucess,an Art Audio Carissa Signature SET making 16 wpc with my Woodmeres.

I've also used a 350 wpc McIntosh MC402.

Now I dont suggest a flea powered SET, but what that tells me is that just about any well made amp (within reason),will mate very with them. So your choices are VERY wide,indeed!
What is your budget? I drive my D1's with an Edge NL 10.1 which is terrific....
using nuforce ref 18s now with my d1s and could not be any happier with my systems synergy and the sound it gives me. tys d1s are very large floor standers and will throw a wide outside the speaker wall of sound which makes my listening sessions very enjoyable.
Davvie has a good point. Ty used to use a Jolida 300b on his Woodmeres. He even used it at a show a few years ago. How large is your room?
I had the LSS, and tried it with several amps. It sounded very good with both Herron M1 monoblocks and the McCormack DNA-125 revision Gold. It sounded a bit flabby and flat with the Cary/AES Sixpacs and a Jolida EL34 integrated, and awesome with the Karan integrated I had for a bit (that amp packs more current than any of the others). I think my speakers needed a bit of juice for a nearly 700 square foot room, plus they weren't all that easy to drive. I am not 100% sure, but the Woodmere should be about the same load as the LSS was. I just didn't have great success with lower-powered tube amps-my experience was the same as the 1st poster's: the more current, the better. I have also heard good recommendations for Rowland's stuff (especially the older Concentra line), as well as McIntosh. Haven't tried those, though.

FWIW, the new Decade line is quite a bit tube friendlier, aside from the 300b amps I tried. KT88 amps have driven them just fine.