Integrated for Sonus Faber Guarmeri Memento??

Amp: none
Cd: none
Speaker: sonus faber guarmeri memento
Try to listen to EAR899 70wpc integrated amp. I've listened to it with EAR890(power amp version of 899) and impressed with the overall tonal balance & dynamics of the memento
I've read in several forums that McIntosh is a synergistic match with Sonus Faber. I just rec'd the all tubed McIntosh MA2275 to which I've added upgraded tubes and it sounds stellar! Not sure if 75 WPC is optimal for the memento's 4 ohm min. impedance, but have heard of others using this combo on Audiokarma's McIntosh forum.
I am currently driving my GM's with an Accuphase P-3000, which is 75 wpc into 8 ohms and doubles that output into 4 ohms. The results are excellent. Others have stated on this and other forums that the GM's will sound better with higher powered amps. I cannot confirm or refute that, but in my experience and in my listening room, which is 13' x 19' with an 8' ceiling, the 75 wpc from my P-3000 is everything I need.