You are quite welcome.
I did the crossover myself. If you are reasonably handy with a hot glue gun and a soldering iron, it's not difficult. In order to fit the larger capacitors on the board I made a little bridge. Please send me an email and I'll send you a picture of what I did. I'll be happy to make the bridge for you and send it to you. In this case the pictures I send you will be worth a thousand words.
Also, the pictures I have will show the Mundorf silver/gold/oil capacitors that I put in the speaker. However, I ended up not liking the sound and changed them out for Duelund capacitors and they sound great.
Again, please send me an email and I'll send you links and pictures.
The 3.3 micF Duelund VSF copper caps are about $200 each at, and you'll need two.
With the Mundorf s/g/o caps I used two 1-ohm resistors in series to give the required 2-ohm total. When I switched to Duelund I was also going to switch to Duelund resistors but broke one of the Duelund resistor leads when I was putting the crossover board back in the speaker. So, I just reinstalled the Mundorf resistors. The Mundorf resistors are $15 each, and you'll need four of them, 1-ohm each.
So, the project will cost about $460. I got the Duelund caps when they were on sale - I don't recall exactly, but I may have paid $170 each for them.
Oh, and you'll need some solder. I used WBT. If partsconnexion doesn't have any, I'm sure would. That'll take the cost of the project up to about $500 I guess.