Amp for Duevel Bella Luna

Currently running a Bel Canto Pre2P/ Evo2 Gen II combo and am looking to upgrade the amplifier section although I like what I hear! I do not need lots of power (30-50wpc) and would like advice on the solid state side (I know where to go for tubes). Budget up to $2500 used. One consideration is Lavardin, any other?

SET without the burden of tubes is what I am trying to achieve and Lavardin seems to fit the bill. I know that many BL owners use 300B tubes for these with amazing results.
Just wanted to share that after many listening sessions and research, I settled on a First Watt J2 and it is an amazing match. One particular advantage of the J2 over the 300B amps I tried is the treble, much more open which wakes up the highs that are naturally rolled off or at least recessed due to the omnidirectional tweeter of the BL. Truly a special amplifier, resolution to die for and well-textured while never artificially blooming.
If you think the treble recessed: try a couple of Murata ES103s. does wonders to the Bella Lunas' soundstaging and treble without adding sibilance
I love my J2! All the texture of tube without the need to replace $1000 of power tubes ever year. Congrats on a great choice.