Berning ZH230 amp

Has anyone had a chance to listen to the new Berning ZH230? The ZH270 garnered a lot of respect and was considered a bargain for the price. Sadly, it is no longer being made, instead we now have the ZH230. 30 watts instead of 70 and twice the price. Is it still a great deal? Would the ZH230 work with a speaker like the Merlin VSM as well as the more powerful ZH270 does?
Hi Audiofun

I find it quite interesting that the telefunkens added more weight and body. Along with the Seimens tubes I find telefunkens to be leaner and more transparent, not necessarily the most preferable choice if weight and body is a consideration. I have tried many combinations of tubes with the teles being the least preferable in my system. I've have the zh270 for almost 10 years with Merlin VSMs and though I haven't heard the zh230 would expect the results with this tube to be similar. What I like most about the amp is that you can get color flavors from source and pre-amp choices. The Berning can be the foundation of presenting a signal to the speakers while minimizing colorations found in most tube amps. Not a choice for everyone of course but I find no loss of harmonics at all, just less exaggeration brought on by second order distortions and less evident in this design. Of course the ZOTLs work nothing like a typical OTL or transformer coupled one or any amplifier I am aware of, efficient operation, flexibility and superb performance.

The feedback setting, for a more resonant fuller sound would be low which also increases output impedance/damping. The tradeoff is less extended highs and low frequencies and a bit of loss of transparency relative to normal and medium settings, the beauty being you make the choice of what works best in your system and to your taste. There are many avenues to explore with this amp as I have discovered over the years which is why it still has this fascination, it is never the limiting factor.
Tubgroover: I was told that most of the added weight was in fact a result of the feedback setting so perhaps you are correct concerning the tube. I did not do a comparison with low feedback and stock tubes vs the Telefunkens thus I can not speak to the actual sole contributions of the tube, though if I were a betting man I would say that added nothing but goodness to the sound :)

Indeed it is a flexible device and though I did not like what I heard ini stock form, I did hear potential :) I'm pretty good about yearling a product and even if it is not my cup of tea right away, I can sometimes hear it's potential to be much better. This is why the ZH 230 was invited back into my home :) it paid off!

Thanks for the info concerning the effects of the tubes...
I would think ONLY if you played at lower levels. Most likely no not enough power. I have heard rumors they will be coming out with a 100w before long.
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