Modwright LS100 versus Rogue 99


Anyone compared the sound between the Modwright LS100 and The Rogue 99 preamps? I was happy enough to compare both using a Rogue M-180 dual monoblock. My findings so far is that both preamps almost sound identical. The noticeable similarirties are lush mids and smooth highs, fast and tight bass and deep soundstage. I guess this is because both have 6SN7 tube complements. Although the Rogue 99 has deeper bass and more air, the Modwright has better imaging and focus and slightly more enhanced upper Hi's. Again this is my opinion. I may be wrong. Any feedback will surely be appreciated. Thanks
I can't imagine why even a base model LS100 isn't sounding better than the 99. Amp, wire, something. My feeling is the Rogue equipment is ok, but Modwright and Musical Design are both making far more detailed preamps for the same money or less. As I just posted here:

even my basic Musical Design SP2-B smoked my buddy's 99 Magnum. In particular, a far more 3-d sound stage and more natural vocals (mids).
How many hours does the LS 100 have on it? ModWright gear takes a good 3 to 4 hundred hours to settle in.
Jriggy is correct, ModWright preamps use teflon output caps. In general, teflon caps bloom after 300 hours of music (not idling).