Why are so many people trying to sell Harbeths?

These speakers have their devotees to be sure, but it looks like a lot of people are falling OUT of love with them. It's a trend I've noticed here on Audiogon. Opinions?

I have no experience with harbeth. I like the retro design aspect of them
though. Makes them stand out from the crowd these days.

They tend to be pricey. The older conventional Ohm line bears a lot of
similarity to Harbeth. Those can Still be had via ohm refurbed and updated
with modern drivers and components for a fraction of the cost. Are
any harbeths better than ohm c2 L or H for example? Those can all be
had when available for under $1000, essentially the same cost as 30+
years ago still but all updated and refurbed. Factor in inflation and these
should go for harbeth prices these days. Made in Brooklyn though not
merry old England.
harbeth do have definition and dynamics,but listening distance must be short abaut 1,5m or shorter,leaning position toward speakers
Owned everything under 80k. 3 pair of 40.1, getting 40.2. They are magic. Have to own them, demo won't do it. Listen to most speakers and you get itchy, time to go. 40.1 you sit there and sit there waiting for the next song. 2 hours go past, your late, but you want to stay. Magic.
"Owned everything under 80K" Really 899bk or do you mean you have HEARD? And if you mean heard, again, really?
my guess is dynamically a bit restrained. they are good but not totally accurate imo