Krell KSA100 MKI power consumption

Would anyone know what shold be the power consumption rating of this Pure Class A amp?
Thanks for the inputs and thanks Raquel for the great tip about contacting the maker; I will certainly contact Mr. Krell.
7 amps at idle? That would be about 700 watts which is huge. My FPB300cx only uses 60W at idle, which seems more in line. Hope this helpes,
Jsd52756, 7 amps at idle for the KSA 100 seems about right. Dont't forget that the KSA 100 is class A all the way to 100 watts. The KSA series of amps did not have a sliding or sustained bias outputs as the newer models.
Jsd52756, the FPB300cx uses 60w on standby, 175 at idle and 1700w at full output.
guys, 7 amps at 220 volts converts to ~2000 watts. I don't think that makes sense.

The read on my meter is ~350 watts.

Mr. D'agostino (this amazing guy responded to my request immediatly!) says:
"The Ksa !00 did operate in pure class a. The top of the amplifier does not reflect the heat. After about 1 Hr of operation the bottom of the heat sink should be about 65 degrees c . I allways set the bias with a current prob. I could not tell you what voltage you should
measure across the emitter resisters. I no longer remember."