How to divide up $4,500, Amp/Speakers

I need a new back-end for my system (amp/speakers) and have around $4,500 to spend on used equipment.

Front end is VPI HR-X, Koetsu RSP, JMW 12.5 arm, Herron VTPH-2.

In this price range I think that an integrated tube amp would be better sonically but I am open to suggestions. My room is small (20x12x7.5) so I am tending toward smaller speakers.

I had a pair of Merlin VSM's long ago and either VSM's or TSM's might work well and also fall in this range used.

Assuming $2,000 used could get the Merlins what would be a good integrated tube amp that works well with them?

Main listening is New Orleans funk, blues, jazz and some classical.
Hello Jarret,

If it were me I would spend the lion's share on speakers. You can find a decent used amp for $800-$1200. Start looking (listening) for what you feel is the best $3500 pair of speakers your money can buy.

Keep in mind the room you'll be listening in and an amp that can get the most out the speaker you choose.

With that kind of front end, you need to up the ante a little.
I suggest the "better than most" integrated tube amp, would be a Jadis DA-60. You should be able to get one for about $3-3.5K used.
That doesn't leave a lot for speakers, but you might want to get by on a pair of better monitors, while saving up for speakers to match the rest of the system.
BTW I saw a pair of Von Schweickert VR2s on "the big auction site" for $1,000. I have my DA-60 feeding those speakers, there is good synergy.
No conflict of interest to report.
I´m close to your musical taste and my advice goes for:

Leben CS-300 int amp

Zu Druids

Zu Mini Method Subwoofer

...and you are done