Counterpoint SA12

I just came across a Counterpoint SA12 poweramp from an estate sale and am wondering if it is worthwhile. I presently use an Aragon 2004 and have zero complaints but have it in the back of my mind that I should try a tubed amp. The SA-12 isn't a pure tube unit, it is a valve/solid-state hybrid, employing four 100W MOSFETS per channel in the power stages, while all voltage amplification and output stage drivers are valve circuits (two ECC88s/6DJ8s per channel).
I really don't know much about this amp, have never heard one and would appreciate any comments from former or current users before I even swap out my Aragon to give it a test run.
Too old and unless you are electronics-handy to change out the coupling caps and perhaps the "dried out" B+ caps the unit in its present condition will not compred with a 2004.
Also you need to be EXTRA EXTRA careful with speaker wires on old Counterpoints.
One short, even for a fraction of a second, will blow it up in specacular fashion and changing out the mosfets require expert rebuild using 2SK1530+2SJ201 or a trip to Altavista Audio for an NP upgrade.
The counterpoint products as a whole are quite forward sounding. They do not sound anything like typical tube products. I would think your Aragon is more laid back and musical in the mids/highs than the Counterpoint. Also, the bass response and control from the Aragon will be better as well. The counterpoint products were also known to be quite unreliable.

If you picked this amp up for cheap at an estate sale, I would just list it here or on Ebay and sell it. Keep your 2004.