Would you pay to listen?

Just curious, would you pay to listen to a
$100k system? Say a one hour session for twenty bucks?

Assuming the room is great and you have vinyl and cd and your choice of solid state or tubes. Also assuming you'd have the best matched system that $100k could buy.

How much would you pay to hear a $200k system? No pressure or expectation to buy anything, just plunk down your twenty and enjoy the music. BYO drinks of course.

I'm sure I'd pay if there were such a place.
Mrtennis, a dealer was never entered into the equation of this post and never was it implied. As a matter of fact I made sure to express that there would be no pressure or expectation to buy anything.

From the posts following this statement I see MrT and I aren't the only ones who figured the question pertained to a retail audio salon of some sort.
Few retail businesses have the potential "snoot factor" that "High End Audio SALONS" can have. I've spent bundles of cash in the ones who merely treat me with courtesy and professionalism and laugh at the others. That said, if the "salon" wants to charge to hear things, it's up to the public to accept it...and I bet it would be seen as a "last gasp" of an apparently elitist establishment on their way to Chapter 11.
The more I think about, the more I think, what an excellent idea. Prpixel, the point you make about you needing to sell listening space for 8 hours a day for 3 years, to break even, seems to miss the point. I presume we are talking of dealers opening up there top listening rooms to the poor unwashed. They do'nt have to cover the cost with selling listening time as you are selling the kit too.

I personally wo'nt go to a dealer unless I am in the market to buy, it is'nt fair on them. It does'nt mean I am going to buy, just I might if I am impressed. Yes a live gig might be better, but only one artist and not playing what you specifically want to hear.

So the more I think about it, the more intersting an idea it becomes. Dealers do this already with open evenings to listen to a particular set up. Why not offer listening sessions when they are quiet. They build a relationship with potential clientele and you get a guilt free audition. Everybody seems to win here.
Dealers who would encourage limiting their customer base in ANY WAY, either with an elitist attitude or fees, I would consider insane and clearly not interested in staying in business. Having seen a lot of high end audio places die over the last several years (and employing one former owner at my own financial services company) I can suggest to these last few to open the doors wide. The fact that anybody whould feel guilty visiting a retail location when not intent on buying anything in particular should cause the sales people to panic. They should host free concerts and PAY the musicians, free manufacturer seminars, give out free munchies and baloons (well...maybe not baloons), do SOMETHING to lure people in there so they can educate the public about their groovy piles of gear and maybe SELL SOME OF IT. There are plenty of reasons for the lack of interest among most people in high end audio, the most obvious being retailers not seeming to be interested in reaching out beyond their core of "hobbyists", and that is just sad and more than a little stupid.