12ax7 12AU7 EL34 / KT 88/ 6550 upgrades for PL2

I acquired a used primaluna prologue two a month or so ago. This is my first experience with tube amp. Coming from rotel amplification I am just wowed with the tubes. The PL2 had upgraded tung sol 6550s. Nice sound. But I changed to new issue Electro Harmonix H EL34EH. Ran-in the tubes two days straight with music. Was simply blown away with soundstage and tone! Guitar riffs and blues sound gorgeous! Bass isn't too shabby either. Quite enjoyable.

Then found a little more improvement by switching 12ax7s from stock to Electro Harmonix ($10 bucks each).

The tried changing out 12AU7 with some old used tunsol 5963/12au7 (made in the USA) and was not happy. Changed back to stock.

Does anybody have any good experiences with upgrading the 12ax7/12au7 and power tubes on the PL2. I would appreciate the advise. Tube rolling is so much fun!

My speakers are quad 22L2, cd player oppo bdp 83se and analog source is MMF5 w/ MMshure ML140E.
Were the 12AX7's that you swapped out, Shuguang. I found them to better than the new tubes I tried.
Orpheus10 - The 12AX7 I swapped were stock primaluna for the cheap EH 12ax7s. I am not sure they are shuguang. Are they? I found the EH 12ax7s to be marginally better but better ... in terms of bass response. Are the NOS RCA 12AU7's clear top?
Yes, they are the best bargain in NOS tubes. I get mine from Brent Jesse. I got my Primaluna new and swapped out the 12AX7's for new tubes but liked the tubes already in better. Call Upscale Audio at 909-931-9686, they can identify which tubes you have.
Thanks Orpheus10. I did call upscale and was told the pre tubes are shuguangs. I was advised to go for the mullard platinum cv4004's.
Does anybody have experience with mullard gold or platinum cv4004's usina a primaluna? any sonic difference between gold or platinum?
I am currently using SED "winged" 6550Cs, along with NOS Pope 12ax7, and stock 12au7. The Popes are absolutely fantastic if you can find them. Mine were purchased from Upscale Audio. I do prefer the sound of the KT88 over the SED 6550s. Like another person said here, I find it to sound a bit flat and dynamically constrained, but it does sound extremely smooth. Just depends on what you're after.

I am looking to upgrade from my stock 12au7s. I was told by Kevin at Upscale that the 12au7s are just buffer tubes in the PL2, and that the 12ax7's should be upgraded first. I've already got that covered, so I'd like to go for some better 12au7s.