Modwright KWA 150

Can you share your experiences with this amp.

Is it tonally neutral or on the warm (bass heavy) side of things?

How tight and fast is the bass?

Is the top end sweet sounding?

I am keen to hear this amp at a friend's place shortly. I am only afraid it will give my Conrad Johnson Premier 350 a run for its money...
Just wondering if anyone has heard the KWA 100SE and how it compares to the KWA 150?
Thanks in advance.
Srajan Ebaen has had both and I think may compare them in a few paragraphs of his reviews. here's the latest of those. I am shooting a KWA100SE for Dan this week and will get to take a listen if I have time. If I do I'll make a comment here on my own impressions.
Hi all i have taken the plunge and ordered the KWA150 and the LS100. The LS

Can any tube owners advise how long the LS100 will take to break in and what sort of sonic changes there will be once it has broken in compared to say at 20 hours use.
Both of these units will take 80-100 hours to get 75% broken in. Anticipate 400+ hours on both the KWA-150 & L'S-100 to get 95% break in.