Not sure what dollar range you qualify as affordable. I have the same 22L2 speakers. Using a VTL 2.5 tube preamp acquired locally w/o shipping for $775. Very happy with it for money spent. For my secondary system I acquired a Antique Sound Lab Line 1 DT tube preamp for just $150 here on Agon. Suprisingly well made. What a sleeper, sounds darn nice for what paid.
If you really want to go budget try B&K older 2 channel preamps. Pro 10, Pro 5.... CS-117. My friend has a B&K CS-117 pre, ST-2220 amp running MMG Maggies. One of the best sounding systems I have heard for a total cost of about $1,200.
Good luck
If you really want to go budget try B&K older 2 channel preamps. Pro 10, Pro 5.... CS-117. My friend has a B&K CS-117 pre, ST-2220 amp running MMG Maggies. One of the best sounding systems I have heard for a total cost of about $1,200.
Good luck