Bel Canto Ref 1000MK2 or Wyred SX1000MK2

Which of these Monoblocks will work best with B&W N802's?
I had the Parasound Halo JC1's. How are these Class D mono's Compare to JC1's.
Agree with Mac.You have nice amps and bit more watts won't make up for softer bass and non-class A harmonics ( and I sold B&W's for 6 years and they are already a bit warm).Clarity I'd say neither has what JC1's have.Cut down your electric bill though.
I own B&W 802 Diamond and I have tried a number of amps inlcuding JC-1. I am driving them with Spectron monoblocks and these, in turn, are driven by Joule-Electra all tube LA-300ME preamp and I am immensely happy.

Regarding your specific question: Bel Canto has better power supply (additional bank of electralitic capacitors) but Wyred uses the latest geberation of mass produced ICE power module and thus a but better in midrange then Ref 1000 Mk2. Choose

You have great speakers, and I do not understand why you want to change one, IMO, rather average amp you own (JC-1) to, IMO, another equlally average Ref 1000 Mk2 or Wyred4 sound... save on electrical bill?

Good Luck With Your Search
Oh no, the Cult of Spectron has entered the fray. I have never understood the cult around these below avg Class D amps. They are the very definition of BRIGHT to me, with every speaker I have heard them with, and they are SO overpriced for Class D amps. I guess if you have goo-y warm sweet speakers they would moderate them, but please, let's not get the Spectron-police in the discussion, or it will ever end.

If you want to move up the Class D food chain, and you try the Spectron's, please also try a Sanders Sound amp, which is the real deal.

As you can read, Dob didn't suggest Spectron amps, yet you decided to go with the uncalled for comment.

I'm driving your same speakers, Maggies 3.6r, with the Spectron monoblocks and I can assure you that they are not bright. I've even used a TVC and the Benchmark DAC as preamps and I could not make the monoblocks sound bright. Any detected brightness must be somewhere else in the system.

I agree with others that JC-1 are great amps. I would probably change something else in the system if you would like to change the sound.
