Bel Canto Ref 1000MK2 or Wyred SX1000MK2

Which of these Monoblocks will work best with B&W N802's?
I had the Parasound Halo JC1's. How are these Class D mono's Compare to JC1's.
So I wonder has anyone who owned BC ref1000mkII monoblocks actually heard and switched to similar Wyred or other less expensive Icepower amps?

If so, also I'd be interested in knowing the speakers and pre-amp used as well.

Thanks in advance.
Not MkII's, but I had a pair of Bel 1000 Mk1's and compared side by side - same system, same room - with a D Sonic M1000S for over 2 weeks, and there was no difference that I could detect. As soon as I'd think I heard something different, I had my wife blind switch on me and it became clear they were identical. After that I sold the Bel Canto's and purchased the D-Sonic.

Later I added a 2nd identical D-Sonic because I wanted to mod one and have a stock one to compare. I had Chris at BPT make quite a few mods, and while nothing mind blowing happened, it did reduce noise floor significantly and gave a deeper black background and a more focused center image, along with a small bit better micro-detail.

Unless you just like the look, I can't see why you'd by the Bel Canto if ICE is what you're looking to try. Dennis at D-Sonic gives fantastic support as well.

Technically, the original non mkii ref1000's are essentially stock Icepower modules in a nice box like many and the current resale prices reflect that. I would not expect much if any difference, and an apples/apples comparison.

mkiis have clearly identifiable technical differences visible inside in an aditional input circuit (benefit mainly with tube pre-amps and similar to Wyred) and power supply supply circuit, which typically only the more expensive Class D amps do.

Despite the nice looking package with good build quality, I would expect BC would catch some flack for the prices they asked for their original Icepower amps in comparison to others. I guess the sound quality and target audience enabled this.

Before I bought my ref1000mkiis used, I had the seller open them up and send me internal photos in order to make sure that they were what was advertised, since cosmetically, on the outside they are mostly identical, except for the model label, which I would not necessarily trust alone in that I am very suspicious of a lot of dealings that goes on on the internet these days, especially when attractive pricing is apparent.