ARC VSi60 vs Ayon Spirit II/III

My experiment is over, and I officially miss the valve (no offense to friends of Solid State. Most of the rest of my world is SS).

Currently have a Krell S-300i, and am looking to move into a Tube Integrated. Used to have a McCormack DNA-50 & ARC SP9 MKII, then decided to save space, and moved to an SS integrated. Space saving remains in play. No capital outlay until January, but am doing the research now, and am soliciting opinions here, at the "Oracle".

And so the quandary: ARC VSi60 vs Ayon Spirit II/III.
A show of hands...please.
Here's my rig:

As always, any and all opinions/suggestions/rants are appreciated.


I'm glad that my comments are helpful, though I sure don't think of myself as an Ayon subject matter expert. It has been fun playing with that little Spirit-1 though, I like it a lot.

There's a Spirit-2 listed now on Audiogon at what I think is a very fair price, but the seller requires pickup in New York City.

It sure is! My friend got his Spirit-1 with Gold Lion KT88 tubes for a few hundred less than that, but I think it's a great price for a Spirit-2 with Gold Lion KT88s. I'd drive a couple of days to get it.
If your budget means going with a used Spirit II, I'd jump on a used unit at the price offered for the unit listed currently, if the local pickup works for you.

I'd be making the trip to NYC if I could justify two units!
I'm late to the party, here, but I'm very interested in the Spirit III and other Ayon amps. I think it's important to note that a big feature of the III is that it comes with Shuguang Black Treasure KT88s. I'm led to believe by a few references that the Black Treasures are a big step up. On the importer website,, Grade A Black Treasure KT88s are listed at $480 per quad set! I believe there are other upgrades in the Spirit III, as well. If in doubt, call the U.S. distributor, !! Nothing like first-hand information. The III also can use KT120s...don't know anything about them. I presently use an Art Audio Diavolo SET with 842VHD output tubes, a superb amp.