The British Sound

Ok I know this sounds ridiculous but hear me out. The British sound is characterized as being laid back, mellow and unagressive in the treble. It struck me that England is a very humid environment. And in high humidity conditions, the treble is more pronounced and shrill. Musicians playing outside before a rainstorm call this condition the bloom before the thunderstorm. Ive read that this state can be explained by physics. The reason I thought of this again tonight is because right now the weather is extremely humid in central NC tonite. I listened to my stereo and I had to turn down the treble on my speaker controls. My AC has not run all day. I ask, is this why they tweak their designs. They are only trying to make musical equipment perspective of any environmental influences. Am I way out in left field? Then tell me why their products including speakers sound that way. Mike
Hey anything is possible when it comes to weather conditions. Then if England is so humid. Then why are all their movies so DRY....LOL
First, why are British speakers doing on an amp forum? ;)
I live in the hot and humid tropics, does that mean the American sound (speakers) will not suit me? I am curious too.... Cheers!
If anything it is more likely that British homes are smaller and the treble is what attenuates most with distance. The closer you are to the speaker the less treble you need.

The other possibility is the Boom Boom Tizz factor - simply put there is huge competitive pressure on American designs to get the speaker to sound as impressive as possible. The bass and treble are how most designs are evaluated and compared.