I have EPS2's and , in a 16x24 room --- where I listen primarily to small-ensemble acoustic jazz and chamber music, I find that my 30 watt Ayon Spirit II integrated is a great match. The Montana's are lively -- but not bright, play loud but are unstrained, image beautifully, are exciting but not too fatiguing (because, at least to my ears, the Montana's are a bit bright if a bright SS amp is the power source, and, as such, I have strayed away from the big power SS amps). The trade-off --- some less than ideal bass control (I know I could get tighter, more rhythmic bass with a bigger SS amp --- and I had that with a bigger McIntosh SS amp on these speakers before --- but the smoothness, imaging, unrestrained nature and the body, texture and richness of the Ayon more... far more... than make up for the lesser rythem and pace).
So... consider a tube amp if what you listen to is acoustic-type music. If you really, really need the bass control because you listen to music that requires such... then a big ($) tube amp or a high-power SS amp is maybe the better choice (if you go Ss then choose a warm sounding amp or brightness might be an issue). So... what are your listening preferences? What do you listen to and what characteristics do you hold most dear in your system?