Receiver with no phono input: Solutions?

After some research and discussion, I'm going with the Pioneer Elite's well reviewed and recommended and it fits my bugdet for home theater, but doesn't completely fit my needs.

There's no phono input...and I've read about phono stages, but unfamiliar in their application.

Is this expensive? Is it practical? How does this sound?

I do plan on adding another amp to this system to power my studio 20's...can a secondary amp have a phono input? If so is this the best option and what's available for around $500-$600...and I don't mind purchasing used.

I admit, I'm new to all this and don't really have a clue, but I'm trying to learn from the knowledgable people on this site. I'm trying to break into the high end audio and video arena and need some help. Thanks everyone.
Make it easy on yourself! Here are some low-cost, decent sounding options: ( ( Those will be a no-travel, no-risk deal as well: ( I'd recommend these(excellent for the cost) interconnects: ( OR, at least these: ( Used turntables and cartridges are some of the higher-risk items, as far as audio is concerned(fragile/easily abused).
Thanks everyone for your responses...thats so much easier to understand than what I was reading and trying to figure out.

Thanks for the recommendations Rodman99999. Now I've got a great starting point within my budget.

It's so nice being able to share my frustrations and to get simple and easily understandable solutions.

Thanks again everyone!
all great advice. if you have worn records due to a sub par turntable get ready to spend some money on new lps because you might be annoyed by surface wear noise. i find lots of great lps for 25 cents at flea markets but every once in a while i get one that is not playeable. if you don,t have a good record cleaning strategy read up on this too. for good sound i am looking at a rega or project with the music fidelity phono preamp and their ortofon installed cartridge. this would run around 550 dollars new. good luck