You are apparently confusing the Shuguang lower cost/quaility 300b with the more expensive(600.00 USD) ultra quality Shuguang Treasure Series(black glass). I use the black glass 300b and it`s sound is superb, I have about 1700 hours of use with absolutely no reliability issues. As I stated in an earlier post 6 moons has done numerous reviews and comparisions between the premium chinese,high end european and the most recent WE 300b. It would be worth your time to read those in my opinion.
You are apparently confusing the Shuguang lower cost/quaility 300b with the more expensive(600.00 USD) ultra quality Shuguang Treasure Series(black glass). I use the black glass 300b and it`s sound is superb, I have about 1700 hours of use with absolutely no reliability issues. As I stated in an earlier post 6 moons has done numerous reviews and comparisions between the premium chinese,high end european and the most recent WE 300b. It would be worth your time to read those in my opinion.