Favorite 300B: Sophia vs KR

Which do you prefer; S.E.T. Princess 300B Carbon Plate or KR 300B WE Clone?

I've only experienced NOS 40's/50's WE so my expectations are pretty high. Which do you think captures the essence of the WE most closely? I'm trying to keep the cost down as much as possible so EAT is not an option, as much as I was blown away by their KT88. I considered current WE but they're not in production until Spring 2011.

The Grade B Shuguang tubes aren't defective. They're just a lower quality tube. Shuguang matches each pair, and the tolerance differences determine which tubes will be Grade A, B, etc. I also use the Shuguang Black Bottle 300B Treasure tubes, and have had no issues with them, and they sound very good. Very clean and clear, with pretty decent bass for a 300B.

I know Grant Fidelity has the Treasure tubes. I think others do, too. The only exclusivity Grant has with tube distribution, I believe, is with the Shuguang Psvane 845.

You can find them cheaper than 600/pr, but beware. You may not be getting Grade A. If you go with Shuguang, buy from a North American retailer. Shuguang routinely exports their best tubes, and keep the lesser quality ones in China/Asia. So, if you go looking on ebay or something like that, and find a pair for 200 bucks, don't think for a second that you're getting a great deal from the guy in Shanghai.

Afc: Don't take offense. I was being facetious about the Shuguang Treasure Grade B being defective. I realize they're not. But the way the description is worded it comes off that way.
What other 300B's ave you listened to? Have you heard vintage NOS WE? And thanks for the buying tips.

At this point I'm leaning toward either EML or Shuguang Treasure.


300B comments from tube gear designer;

"I supply my new amps with basic/standard 300B's (Chinese/Russian) as I know customers will want to change them in the future. I only offer Emission Labs tubes as a priced option. On the top end gear I use Emission Labs - they might not be the best sounding but they are very robust, are extremely reliable, also sound very good and they look good too..... I have not heard the carbon plate or Shuguang Treasure as they do not look like a 300B and are only clones - These should really be called by a new name and not a 300B because they are not a 300B. Also I don't like using anything from China. "
Sakahara, no worries, none taken. Haven't heard NOS Western Electrics. Very expensive, and a lot of people are trying to pass off the newer WE 300B's as NOS. Saw a pair the other day- made in 1998- for 4000 bucks. Ridiculous.
Afc: That is a ridiculous. I paid about half that for NOS/NIB '49/'50 matched pair. I would buy used, even current production.