Favorite 300B: Sophia vs KR

Which do you prefer; S.E.T. Princess 300B Carbon Plate or KR 300B WE Clone?

I've only experienced NOS 40's/50's WE so my expectations are pretty high. Which do you think captures the essence of the WE most closely? I'm trying to keep the cost down as much as possible so EAT is not an option, as much as I was blown away by their KT88. I considered current WE but they're not in production until Spring 2011.

While awaiting the main event results some might be interested in my
findings with the "lesser" Psvanes and AVVT 32b. Right out of the box the
Psvane 300b-t sounds a little more detailed than the BT's while retaining
very similar warmth and magical midrange. Overall I think it is a better tube
and only 15 hours on them. The AVVT's were shockingly lively, detailed
and very neutral. Not quite the lusciousness of the Psvanes. Probably will
be my go to for classic rock or shorter listening sessions. Can't wait for
these tubes to reach 200-300 hours. BTW, I will probably list the BT's with
700-800 hours on them. Also for those with the Coincident linestage, I
have 2 pairs of 101D's that I no longer need

Gsm, I would much like to see your tubes go to Charles, either as purchase or loan for the comparison between the three.
I just received Isochronism`s(Brett) new tubes (via Sophia) RP tubes last night, I 'may' get The Takatsuki tubes from Gsm if he decides to sell them. Will keep this thread updated, if all works out in the coming days.