Favorite 300B: Sophia vs KR

Which do you prefer; S.E.T. Princess 300B Carbon Plate or KR 300B WE Clone?

I've only experienced NOS 40's/50's WE so my expectations are pretty high. Which do you think captures the essence of the WE most closely? I'm trying to keep the cost down as much as possible so EAT is not an option, as much as I was blown away by their KT88. I considered current WE but they're not in production until Spring 2011.

I just received my Takatsuki 300b tubes today(10 days earlier than expected!).I `ll listen tonight after work and will post very early impressions tomorrow.
The packaging and presentation is first rate and the testing measurements are in english(good) but the instruction booklet is japanese only. I`m no tube expert by any means but the appearance and 'feel' of these tubes are really high quality. I`m curious to see how they compare to my beloved Black Treasure tubes which I enjoy so much.I don`t know how many hours are required for burn-in, I guess I`ll soon find out.
Great news Charles1dad!

Give them around 100, but I believe they will show you the potentials after several good hours. Come back soon with your impressions.

I`ll just come out and say it now,after 2 1/2 hours of listening tonight with my friend Jwm(audiogon member). The Takatsuki 300b is 'OUTSTANDING! plain and simple truth. I`ve been so pleased with the Shuguang BT for quite a while on a nearly daily basis and freely recommended it to others, it`s a very very good tube. The Takatsuki is in an entirely different class.It is superior to the BT in every parameter, bass is deeper,better controlled(but not over damped at all)there`s better articulation,tone and nuance. Stunning midrange true of tone,weight,saturation and believability. Instruments and voices are just vivid and alive.Upper frequencies are superb,airy,open and without hardness or phony 'hyper detail'.Resolution, transparency and dynamics are supreme.

Now to the important point, The music we heard tonight was utterly devine.If like me you cherish natural/organic reproduction of music you have found your ideal tube.
I realize I`m heaping much praise on a tube with less than 3 hours of use but this tube is honestly a standout. If it does`nt improve a hair from this point onward I would`nt care. 1,450.00 USD is a very steep price for one pair of tubes, well they`re worth every penny of it.This is the 300b tube for those who want ultra quality music reproduced in the most realistic and natural manner.

I still must compare it to the Sophia RP(once they`re returned frrom Sophia). The japanese craftsmen/engineers did a stupendous job with this project. They really love music or it would`nt have been possible to be this sucessful.
Best Regards,
Charles1dad, man, now you are talking!

I am like you, but already have 3 pairs and have something on order, not tubes this time, so, these must wait for a while.

Thanks for your impressions, its clear to me and if you use them for another 100 hours, they settle fully by then for sure.
If this tube continues to improve over a 100 hour burn-in, oh my goodness! The one major concern I had prior to buying was the cost of these tubes. I`m very value aware and know all to well the diminishing slope aspect of high end audio. There`re many examples where more money does`nt equal better performance.You have to spend wisely.

IMO the Takatsuki is most fairly price given its supreme sound and if someone wants what is likely one of the very best 300b available. The RP is 1200.00 USD,old stock WE 300b are well over 2000 USD and going ever higher in price(what`s their true condition and history of use/hours?). Try finding an AVVT 300b mesh plate and how much will it cost? I would still strongly suggest the BT tubes in their price range, they will out perform many other 300b choices.

If you want to hear the best of your amplifier and are willing or able to spend 1200-1450 USD it will come dowm to the Sophia RP or the Takatsuki(current production tubes with a warranty).
Best Regards,