03-28-12: Charles1dadYes, to a considerable degree. Also, the bias conditions that the amp is designed to automatically establish are most likely different than the conditions under which the 48 and 80 ma numbers were obtained.
The VAC REN amplifiers have auto bias, would`nt that compensate(at least somewhat) to the various ma levels?
03-28-12: MaxmadThe Renaissance amps are cathode biased. This paper provides a good explanation of that.
I believe there are differ auto-bias circuits around, also how and what exactly they do, is not the same.
03-28-12: PdreherI guess the fact that VAC supplied those tubes provides at least a little bit of confidence that the 48 ma tubes would perform well, as the 45 ma number is significantly less than the 60 or so that is marked on the tubes they supplied for my amp. Of course, chances are that the test conditions VAC uses are not the same as the test conditions the vendor of the 48 ma tubes uses.
Al - yes, the readings on the bases of the VAC / Chinese tubes read 45 & 5.4.
BTW, the other number on my tubes ranges from 5.7 to 6.1. I suspect that number is the tube's transconductance, aka mutual conductance, in "millimhos" (ma per volt, referring to the change in plate current that results from a change in grid voltage, relative to the bias point). 5.7 millimhos corresponds to 5700 micromhos. The original Western Electric 300B spec indicates 5500 micromhos under typical conditions.
Best regards,
-- Al