Favorite 300B: Sophia vs KR

Which do you prefer; S.E.T. Princess 300B Carbon Plate or KR 300B WE Clone?

I've only experienced NOS 40's/50's WE so my expectations are pretty high. Which do you think captures the essence of the WE most closely? I'm trying to keep the cost down as much as possible so EAT is not an option, as much as I was blown away by their KT88. I considered current WE but they're not in production until Spring 2011.

From my own experience I know only 2 types of tubes that sounded freaking good, while they tested poor.

1 NOS Tung Sol 6550 Black Smooth plates


I owned quads from both at the same time and in each quad was 1 tube that tested poor, but they sounded great. How possible? Don’t know, it's all beyond me, probably the quality is so high that they still perform until they really die.

Gwalt don`t know that the 40,000 hour claim by AVVT and W.E. is true or not. What are you really buying with these 'old stock' tubes that still test well? you won`t ever really know their true history of use. It`s a risk some are willing to take at ultra high prices(W.E.). I`d rather go with a new RP or Takatsuki with a warranty but of course to each their own.
Maxmad, you raise an interesting point. There are 'some' tubes that test weak yet sound good.Tubes can be a fasncinting mystery.
Charles1dad I agree with my NOS 45's you never know the history and only test how high the microbos/ma rating goes on your tester and if they are quiet with no shorts etc. I am only relating my experience with 45's (not 300b tubes) purchased on EBAY @ $100-$150 per pair on a simple made tube in a simple circuit from sellers with stellar feedback and experience with tubes. I had put a lot of hours on the ones that sounded soft in the end and got my $100 out of them. Current production 45's I tried were quickly sold off in favor of NOS.
I think you have a lot more to risk in the NOS 300b tube with WE prices (not for me) and lack of any warranty and totally agree on that. For me I guess I would like to hear more from someone who has the extra long 300b tube life chime in with their experiences. I had two long time manufacturers tell me the same thing. Anyone out there with over 10,000 hours on a 300b tube that would care to share? I would love to know what to expect for the price we are paying for the tubes.
Does anyone else have experience with the new Psvane WE replica?
I am trying to decide between those, the RP's, and the Takatsukis.
I use the same amp as Charles1dad so I am sure I would enjoy the
Takatsukis, but I am a sucker for luscious warm midrange which has
me interested in the WE replica. Not sure if the RP's would be too hifi
sounding for my taste. Right now I am using the Psvane 300b-t which I
love and the AVVT 32b-sl. The AVVT is great for rock but it is a little
lacking in midrange magic to my ears. Any opininons appreciated.
The RP in the Frankenstein is`nt remotely 'hifi' at all.Both will provide beautiful organic warmth that`s utterly natural. Neither tube will provide an over emphasized(colored) warm character,just pure and natural tone-body.If you want added lush and warm presentation, the RP and Takatasuki will disappoint you. I `ve no comment on the Psvane W.E. replica.