I know where your headed with that observation, but the stereotypical concept of a king implies grandeur, splendor, and in-your face excess.
Not sure Class D amps,whatever their benefits, need apply. They are in many regards the exact opposites.
So Class D owners can hope to be deemed worthy of Duke or Knight status perhaps but may at best be perceived as only "jacks" or "knaves" by some in the royal scheme of things.
I know where your headed with that observation, but the stereotypical concept of a king implies grandeur, splendor, and in-your face excess.
Not sure Class D amps,whatever their benefits, need apply. They are in many regards the exact opposites.
So Class D owners can hope to be deemed worthy of Duke or Knight status perhaps but may at best be perceived as only "jacks" or "knaves" by some in the royal scheme of things.