Is the moscode 300 the Best $600 used amp?

looking for a warm, natural sounding amplifier to add to a jolida cd, Alon II speakers, B&K 10pro pre-amp. I looking for natural warm tuby sound. your recommendations are welcomed. My eye is on a used moscode 300, are there others i should consider??????
Rrgo, while I really have no interest in a pissing contest, it must be pointed out (since you apparently don't know the sound of these amps), that both BK amps, as well as both Moscodes, share a very strong family resemblance; so my comments are very applicable. I will endeavor to, in the future, be more clear for the sake of those less informed.My bad. BTW, I and many others feel that the 300 is the better sounding of the two Moscodes.
Frogman, Actually I do know the sound of these amps since I have owned them all. Regarding the the Moscode 300 sounding better than the 600, it is common within a design for the lowered powered amp to sound better, "less is more".
Ah how things change.
I bought what had to be one of the first NYAL Moscode 300 amps many years ago.

At the time I was almost laughed at for owning such a contraption. I drove Apogee Duetta Signatures with it, which again was asking for trouble from the crowd.

All told I was quite happy with the setup, I kept it for years, long after NYAL went away. I'd sent it out to George Kaye (AKA Moscode) for updating.

I enjoyed the Moscode 300 for many years.

My only comment was that I never felt it was not particularly "tube" sounding. 'definitely part of the way there.

Ultimately I moved on to straight tube preamp, transistor power amp.
Rrog, why don't you share your thoughts on the sound of these amps, so that a meaningful contribution to this thread be made.