Ayon Triton the best tubes amp in the market?

Hi guys, iam trying to upgrade my system, considering another tube amp, i already own the Cayin Kt88, wondering how much better the triton is?
I am not making any disguises here, but thank you for the free advertising, however, I gave up retail months ago, nor do I have not a single piece of either of the aforementioned for sale or own personally, but have heard it and man it was good! Just a few simple comments regarding great audio alternatives. Neither have I dis-credited or even mentioned another competitors brand. Don't see what the problem is and neither does anyone else. I am interested in hi-fi just like everyone else, and consider these pages a great source for information. There are MANY great brands which are shared here, some by personal consumers, and I think it's also quite obvious, many by dealers or associates too. But don't take much of this with anything but a grain of salt as I suspect that anything the moderators are paid not to like will just disappear.

Would you like me to also identify all the sources who post here as well? Thats easy, but what would be the point.

Just give it a rest man, it's a free country
Ayon amplifiers are excellent in every respect in their given price catagory. The Triton-2
for instance sounds like like a good 300b tube and 211
combination running in pure class A certainly helps .Running in Pentode mode gives much better dynamics and taughtness in the bass
where Triode mode sweeter and a deeper soundstage and superb for voices and smaller ensembles.
This amp Has all Lundahl Transformers which are Very good as well as the parts quality.
OTL amps are good for a lot of speakers but if your speaker likes the lower ohm loads then maybe not on electrostats Not recommended.
I would like to also add that the Ayon Triton is now the MK-2 with even larger and better power supplies , transformers, and parts quality ,and now Fully microprocessor controlled slow start Auto biasing and it is also better sounding all the way around it is now $9750.
All the extra monies went into the parts upgrade
How TAS magazine missed this in their annual issue for integrated amps I have no idea, by far this is the best sounding integrated I have ever heard especially at the $10k price point.
I recently had the opportunity to hear the much lower priced Ayon Spirit MK-3 and retail $5100 can get 15% at least .This new model is now Autobias, All Lundahl transformers and bigger as well as the power supplys This amp acutually measures over 60wpc in Pentode, and 40 into Triode
Allways running in pure class A and it does not run that hot which in itself was very surprising for the money Nothing and I mean nothing better than in musicality
that includes solid state even at $6k for a power amp
this Integrated was Excellent,also the very high parts quality and short signal path really allowed the active preamp to shine and the inner detail and soundstage was excellent as well as the open liquid highs . The Bass was very taught and fast I prefer the slightly rounder full bass to a solid state it seems more real. .I Have 1 month to decide after the holidays if I can swing the Ayon Triton Mk-2
that is my first choice and better across the board .
The Spirit MK-3 is 85% as good at 1/2 the cost and power .
I have Highly modified Martin Logan Vantage speakers and
for some reason similar wpc tube amps and SS amp even more than 2xrated power 200wpc just cannot compete with these Class A amps in control or fidelity and having 4 and 8 ohm taps brings a lot of flexability and also rca ins for a sub to complement my powered speakers . Maggis in 4 ohm that I heard worked great and well as the Wilson Sophias.
The workmanship and made in Austria exudes quality and the spirit weighs in over 75 lbs and the remote is a very nice RC type with a machined case.I have been into audio for well over 35 years and this is one of the best values out there !!
It would be interesting to know if anybody has heard Ayon against the new VAC sigma integrated (also about $10K) and how they compare.